Sinking Moon : Florida Images of 2006 November 23-26
Mexico Beach, Beacon Hill, Saint Joe Beach,
St Joseph Peninsula

Hello !

         Here is the gallery of images I took in Florida where I travelled for Thanks Giving Holidays 2006 November 23-26. The weather conditions were great : it was sunny and calm there; 20-21C ( 68-70F ) at daytime; 5-10C ( 42-50F ) at nighttime; though the water was cool : about 15C ( 60F ).

          The details about this beautiful area are here :

"Forgotten Coast" : Florida Panhandle; 2005 November
Florida Wildlife : Beacon Hill, Saint Joe Beach, St Joseph Peninsula; 2005 May
Images of Florida; Mexico Beach, Beacon Hill, Saint Joe Beach, St Joseph Peninsula; 2006 May

          Sinking Moon

          These images of the Moon sinking in the ocean taken in Mexico Beach on November 25th.

          Trip there and back

          The first image is not Florida but a curious construction in "South of the Border" shopping center located right on the border of North Carolina and South Carolina.
          The second image is a part of I-10 between Tallahassee and Jacksonville : it is still golden autumn in Florida, the trees are full of leaves.
          The third image is Virginia's welcome poster.
          The forth image are the seagulls saying "good bye" to me on November 26th.

          Saint Joe Beach

          The images of Saint Joe Beach taken on November 24th and 26th.

          Sunset in Mexico Beach

          The images of sunset in Mexico Meach taken on November 24th.

          Saint Joseph Peninsula

          The images of Saint Joseph Peninsula taken on November 25th.

          Saint Joseph Bay

          The images of Saint Joseph Bay taken on November 25th.

          The Natural Changes

          In the conclusion, the images of the same place, the Tip of Saint Joseph Peninsula, taken with half of year intervals.

          Feel the difference !